For scheduling purposes, the use of The Cohansey Baptist Fellowship Hall is to be scheduled through the Church office and approved by the Board of Trustees.
The use of the Hall includes the kitchen area, restroom areas, and furnishings (tables, chairs). All food is restricted to the Fellowship Hall area.
If there is any change in the time requested to use the Hall, such as early food preparation or decoration set-up and tear down, this also needs to be scheduled through the Church office and approved by the Board of Trustees.
The Hall is to be returned to its original state at the end of your event, this includes the cleaning of the kitchen area, the removal of any decorations after the event. For your convenience there is dumpster out back.
Prior arrangements need to be made so the church can be locked up after your event. The normal rental is four hours. The use of the Hall is to be no later than 10:00 PM, unless other arrangements are made in advance with the Board of Trustees.
Please note: If you are renting the facility on Sunday afternoon during the months of September thru May, all breakdown and clean-up must be completed by 5:00p.m. due to regularly scheduled activities that take place in the Fellowship Hall.
- Current Active members of Cohansey Baptist – NO CHARGE
- The cost to Non-Church members is $150 per day, to be paid prior to the use of the Fellowship Hall.
- Church Lawn
- Church Sign
- Church Side
- Hall Rental Space
- Hall Rental Space
- Hall Rental Tables & Chairs
- Entrance to Hall Rental Space
- Greeting Table
- Worship Space
- Choir Seating & Podium
- Piano
- Worship Seating
- Pew Seating
- Organ
- Entrance to Hall Rental
- Church